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The Medieval world has a strict hierarchy. Everyone knows his position on the social ladder. Social mobility is pictured by Prestige Points. The more you have, the higher you will reach. Prestige Points is the opposite of Renown. Renown is considered military fame and Prestige Points civil. There are four main classes. Each of these have their own subclasses. The main classes are:

  • Lower Class
  • Middle Class
  • Upper Class
  • Nobility


Main Class Sub-Class Prestige Notes
Lower Class Freemen 0 A  freeman  is  a  person not  tied  to  land  as  a  villein 

or  serf.  He  has  very  little  rights  and  no  power.

Peasants 50 Peasants are mostly farmers. A very traditional class, living on the countryside. They hold land, which is de jure owned by the nobility. In exchange they work and offer services to their lord.
Labourers 100 Laborers are for example woodcutters, blacksmiths and builders. Some are day laborer, who offer small services. Other provide a steady supply of goods to the community.
Journeymen 200 Journeymen are people who completed an apprenticeship. He is fully educated in a trade or craft, but not yet a master. Journeymen tend to live

in towns, serving their guild.

Craftsmen 350 You belong to a class of skilled artisans or workers. Masters in art earn respect and can be employed by the upper class. Thanks to your skills the towns look much better.
Middle Class Citizens 600 You have finally earned your citizenship! You have more rights and some political power in towns.
Bourgeoisie 900 You entered a class of self-employed businessmen, one of merchants and a class with a good outlook. Fight harder, gather money and the upper class welcomes you!
Upper Class Gentry 1200 Congratulations! You may consider yourself as one of the upper class. The gentry refer to people with a good social position, mostly holding estates. Many families of long descent who lever obtained the official right to bear a coat of arms are connected with this class.
Aristocrats 1500 The aristocracy is a class of people holding important offices. These people are powerful and are very wealthy. This group may offer oaths of fealty to faction leaders, provided they also have renown.
Patricians 2000 The patriciate is a separate class with a certain distance to other people. People holding the patricianship are mostly mayors, stewards and minor landowners. There is only a small barrier to the class of nobility.
Nobility Baron 2300 People must greet you and call you 'My lord'. The King granted you the title of Baron, an old title. However this is the lowest title, but you have the right to bear a coat of arms.
Viscount 2750 Viscount is a title, lower than Earl but still offering respect and prestige. You assist the Earl in his daily job.
Earl 3250 A respectable title. It's an ancient word, meaning 'chieftain'. People tend to respect you. Especially people of the lower class must bow their heads. You are of blue blood!
Marquess 4000 You are trusted well, my lord! You are in charge of a March now. A province at the borders of the Kingdom. Because of this, a Marquess is trusted to defend and fortify against potentially hostile neighbors and is thus more important and ranked higher than a Count. You and your family are in high esteem now.
Duke 6000 The King has granted you a serious high title! 'Your Grace' is now the phrase people will greet you. You are the superior of counts and only the King may order you. Dukedoms tend to be very, very big!
Grand Duke 8000 You are clearly in His Majesty's grace. He must be proud of you. There is only one Grand Dukedom in the country and the one in charge of this is a very important person.
Archduke 11000 Your Dukedom has been upgraded to Archdukedom. Even the King should be afraid of your enormous, unlimited power, 'Your Ducal Highness'.


The titles of the nobility depend on culture. Here is an overview of titles used amongth the nobles of Calradia. Every nobleman bears a small flag above it's banner on the world map. The player as well if he becomes a nobleman. On the basis on this flag you can check what rank the Nobleman has.

Noblemen can also have the title of Lord. This title does not contain the right to bear a small banner and does not costs money for your personal kingdom.

Flag type Swadia Vaegirs Khergits Nords Rhodoks Sarranids
Baron Votchinnik Arban-u Darga Drottinn Barone Sheik
Viscount Putniy Boyar Jagutu-iin Darga Jarl Visconte Naquib
Earl Boyar Minggan-u Noyan High Jarl Conte Qadi
Marquess Sluzhiliy Knyaz Tumetu-iin  Noyan Greifi Margrave High Qadi
Duke Knyaz Bey Hertug Duca Mushir
Grand Duke
Grand Duke Udelniy Knyaz Cherbi erikhertogi Grand Duca Grand Mushir
Archduke Velikiy Knyaz Mirza Prins Principe Amir
King Tsar Khan Nordic King King Sultan


If you become King you will also bear a small King's banner. You can also choose which culture - and which noble titles - your kingdom gets. Choose Tsar to get your nobles Russian titles. Keep in mind that choosing for Prince, Archduke or Doge gets your kingdom the Rhodok culture.


In order to become the vassal of a king you must first have obtained the rank of Aristocrat in the Upper Class. It is possible (though quite rare) to receive a vassalage invitation from a king if you have a high renown, without obtaining the rank of Aristocrat. This will automatically result in a prestige upgrade to the level equivalent of Baron if you accept.


  • All kings have a small flag above their banners showing a crown with a white aura.
  • Becoming vassal will automatically make you a nobleman with the title of Baron (only from v2.0)
  • Khergit titles are placed right after the name, for example: Kublai Khan and Kublai Bey.